Let's talk

NOF Member Stories

Severfield Nuclear and Infrastructure

Hear from NOF member company Severfield Nuclear and Infrastructure, about their experiences and the support they receive being a part of the NOF network.

"My name is Stuart Mitchell, I’m the Sales and Estimating Director for Severfield Nuclear and Infrastructure. So, we are the largest structural steel manufacturer in the UK. We do everything from connection design through to full concept building design.

So, we joined NOF after going to OWNE, Offshore Wind North East. They sat us down and told us a little bit about their database and what they do. We took access to the database in the first year. We’ve had a lot of help from the NOF team and kind of on our journey into renewables.

Joining NOF, it’s like a conduit for us to get an easier route to a lot of the clients that we need to get in touch with. We are very early into our journey; we have only kind of been members this year. With nothing but support from the minute that we joined. We can’t ask for anymore, the team are fantastic."
