Let's talk

A blueprint for green shipping corridors in the UK

Posted on 12 September 2023

A blueprint for green shipping corridors in the UK

What is a Green Shipping Corridor and how can it help the UK achieve its net zero targets? Find out at the Port of Tyne on 19th September 2023

Together with our project partners, we would like to invite you to attend the Port of Tyne on Tuesday, 19 September 2023 to hear about the Clean Tyne Shipping Corridor – a Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition Project.

The International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) 2023 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Strategy has committed to achieving global net zero shipping at or around 2050. This has increased since the IMO’s initial target of a 50% reduction set in 2018, and is a step change in ambition, representing a significant challenge for the sector.

One of the key enablers to achieve this will be the use of net zero future fuels such as hydrogen, ammonia, and methanol. These fuels are beginning to emerge in demonstrations and initial use cases from early adopters, but ultimately there is a long way to go before they are established in the maritime sector.

Over the last eight months, partners Port of Tyne, Connected Places Catapult, Newcastle University, EDF, Lloyds Register, Arup, and the North East LEP have worked on the Clean Tyne Shipping Corridor project – a feasibility study funded by the Department for Transport and delivered in partnership with Innovate UK.

The study sets out the economic and environmental benefits and opportunities of creating a new, green shipping corridor for the North East; one that links the region with Europe’s green shipping network and provides a clear and established low-carbon route for shipping.

During this event, you will learn what technology, infrastructure investment, and interventions are needed to create a green shipping corridor and how the project has created a blueprint for the future; one that can be replicated in ports across the UK and encourage the early adoption of alternatives to petroleum-based fuels in the maritime industry. You’ll have the opportunity to speak to, and hear from, partners in the project about their roles.    

Please do join us, the event will start at 9.30am and close at approximately 11.30am with a light lunch and networking opportunity provided afterwards. 

Please use this link to register your attendance at the event.   A blueprint for green shipping corridors in the UK Tickets, Tue 19 Sep 2023 at 09:30 | Eventbrite

