Let's talk

Join the UK Department for International Trade for a series of webinars on offshore wind and infrastructure developments in the US.

Posted on 15 March 2022

Join the UK Department for International Trade for a series of webinars on offshore wind and infrastructure developments in the US.

The US has seen rapid growth in the offshore wind industry with the most recent leasing auction of the New York Bight reaching $4.37 billion, the Biden administration pushing federal funding through the $1 trillion Infrastructure Bill and $555 billion for Clean Energy of the Build Back Better Bill, and Vineyard Wind and South Fork Wind breaking ground on their approved projects. The offshore industry is poised for immense growth in 2022. 

In order to keep up with this offshore wind growth, there is significant development needed to outfit the ports up and down the East Coast of the US and build their capabilities to support offshore wind projects. Ports are positioning themselves as hubs for offshore wind activity whether that be through marshalling, manufacturing and warehousing, vessel support, or other supports. This series will explore port capabilities and clusters forming in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. 

Details on each session are below.

  • Please note that due to Daylight Saving Time, the UK is currently 4 hours ahead of the East Coast of the US. Once you register through Zoom, the calendar invite should reflect this difference.
  • If you would like to attend all three sessions, you will still need to register for each one. The links are unique to each session.
  • Please feel free to share the invitation with your colleagues.
  • These sessions include ~40 minutes of Q&A for open discussion, please prepare your questions and contribute to the roundtable with your expertise and insights.

Session 1: Offshore Wind Developments at the Port of Davisville, Quonset, Rhode Island

In this session, Joe Ricco and Christian Jones will present updates and opportunities on the offshore wind development at the Port of Davisville in Quonset, Rhode Island. Rhode Island is currently the only state with operating turbines in state waters at the Block Island Wind Farm and RI is leading the way in various innovations across the wider blue economy and technologies sectors.

Time: March 23, 2022 10:00-11:15am EST


  • Welcome by UK DIT
  • Presentation on Offshore Wind Developments at Port of Davisville from the Quonset Development Corporation: Christian Jones, Project Manager of Special Port Projects at the Quonset Development Corporation; Joseph Riccio, Port Director of Port of Davisville at the Quonset Development Corporation
  • Open discussion/Questions & Answers session (please prepare your questions and feel free to join the discussion!)

Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrf--vrjorGtwR-Ty-uWOWXSQ9xTk0ygtt

Session 2: Offshore Wind Developments from Avangrid, Crowley, and the City of Salem

In this session, learn about the offshore wind developments in Salem, Massachusetts. The city, in partnership with Crowley and Avangrid, will be building out 42 acres in support of upcoming offshore wind projects to the north and south of the harbor. Speakers include Seth Lattrell, Port Authority Deputy/Planner at City of Salem; Jay Borkland, Director Ports and Supply Chain at Avangrid Renewables.

Time: March 24, 2022 10-11:15am EST


  • Welcome by UK DIT
  • Presentation on Salem Harbor Offshore Wind Developments: Seth Lattrell, Port Authority Deputy/Planner at City of Salem; Jay Borkland, Director Ports and Supply Chain at Avangrid Renewables.
  • Open discussion/Questions & Answers session (please prepare your questions and feel free to join the discussion!)

Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkde6qrD4iGNGAJbe1aBlpW5cqgiFuA0K6

Session 3: Offshore Wind Developments from the Connecticut Port Authority

In this session, hear from John Henshaw- Executive Director of the Connecticut Port Authority. John will share insights on the developments occurring in New London at the State Pier (a $235 million project underway) as well as share plans for the wider infrastructure projects in the pipeline.

Time: March 25, 2022 10:00-11:15am EST


Welcome by UK DIT

Connecticut Port Authority Presentation- John Henshaw, Executive Director

Open discussion/Questions & Answers session (please prepare your questions and feel free to join the discussion!)

Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpdO2srT8pEteIv5abx-c-Bk39bxZgV6i4
