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Saker’s Test, Track and Trace App keeps Sellafield site safe during pandemic

Posted on 07 May 2021

Saker’s Test, Track and Trace App keeps Sellafield site safe during pandemic

News Release from Saker Solutions, part of the ITI Group

A Test Track and Trace application, developed by Saker Solutions in collaboration with the Sellafield Advanced Business Analytics team (SABA), has kept Sellafield staff and the site safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the onset of the pandemic, Sellafield implemented a Test, Track and Trace (TTT) programme. A contact tracing team was assembled to update test result records, match these to employee details and then trace contacts of positive cases to send for their own test.

Saker Solutions worked with the Sellafield Advanced Business Analytics team (SABA) in the rapid development of the now proven application, which has been used successfully by the contact tracing team. The intuitive and responsive solution allows the TTT teams to focus on tracking the spread of the virus across the Sellafield site, and provides easy access to actionable data, ensuring continued safe and secure operation of the site throughout the pandemic.

Colin Gardiner, Head of Sellafield Business Analytics said: “The ability to respond quickly and produce a superb solution at the peak of the pandemic is a testament to the partnership between Sellafield and Saker Solutions.

“The application dramatically speeds up the process of finding employee details and managing the lists of new positive test cases and isolations. It has provided our contact tracing team with an intuitive tool to perform this vital work, assuring the safety and security of our site and staff.”

The innovative, collaborative project underpinned Sellafield Limited’s successful Test Track and Trace System by providing an intuitive, multi-user interface to allow multi-user access to the site’s contact tracing data.

To find out more about the rapid development of the project and the proven technology that underpinned the application, view the case study on the Saker Solutions website: https://sakersolutions.com/case-studies/sellafield-test-track-and-trace-application/
