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Film-Ocean drives forward its inspection and asset integrity strategy with the appointment of an Inspection Manager

Posted on 03 November 2020

Film-Ocean drives forward its inspection and asset integrity strategy with the appointment of an Inspection Manager

Film-Ocean Ltd, a leading ROV specialist company, continues with its delivery of providing excellent inspection and integrity support to its clients with the appointment of George Gair as Inspection Manager. 

George Gair joined the business in early September and since starting has already met with many key clients to gain an insight about their inspection needs and to discuss in detail specific project requirements.  George is committed to supporting the industry and sits on several industry committees focusing on competence and training; he is also a regular speaker at both national and international conferences including IMCA, IOGP and OTC. 

Film-Ocean understands the role of asset integrity and inspections for the offshore energy sectors, the constant business challenges that clients face and the efficiencies that the service provides.  Film-Ocean is committed to delivering inspections in the optimum timeframe, therefore avoiding downtime and unexpected loss of production.  

George Gair’s technical expertise and grounded industry experience spans over 30 years; 12 years of inspection operations management experience backed up with 20 years in the offshore field, means that the company is in an excellent position to further strengthen its already quality-led inspection capability services.  

George brings to the business considerable experience in the Inspection and Integrity Management fields, is well-versed in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) subsea, and realises the need for Inspection, Asset Integrity Management and Field Development to be fully integrated to maximise the value of the service provided to clients. 

Following George Gair's appointment, Scott Jenney, CEO - Film-Ocean said: "George's technical knowledge is an asset to the company, he has been at the forefront of R&D developments such as leak detection, database analysis, NDT development and innovative ways of delivery.  I know that with this extensive knowledge of inspection and integrity together with technical expertise it will help drive the business forward faster."  

"Joining the company is an exciting prospect for me, as I see Film-Ocean as a forward-thinking and agile player in the offshore inspection field.  Its effective and efficient solutions combined with its can-do attitude fits perfectly with my views, and its provision of cost-effective solutions, with clients and partners, was a key attraction.  Offshore energy sector is having to adapt to outside influences significantly. However, inspection and the integrity of offshore assets remain a key requirement, and I see the Film-Ocean Team as being extremely capable of achieving these challenges!" George Gair stated when starting at Film-Ocean. 
